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"Food Selfie" Will Make Its Subject Yummier - Study

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Food selfie maybe refer to taking photo of meals then uploading it to social media like the popular image-sharing site called Instagram just to simply intimidate others. (Oops sorry, maybe they just want to share or inform their thousands and hungry followers of what they're gonna eat for that moment). People love taking photo of themselves with different styles and angles. This habit maybe irritating to others that eventually makes their buddies decide to press the unfriend button of that fame whore-annoying human. But what if foods around all over the world grab the spotlight? Um, that makes us more sick and trigger our gastronomic pleasure.

According to Psychological Science, any ritual like preparing the table, asking God to bless the food prior to eat will make the meal taste yummier. And one way of doing such is  the popular ritual of snapping a photo of it then post it to Instagram or Facebook. The results of the study revealed that those who were engaged to such habit found their foods more flavorful, enjoyable and satisfying until the behavior is reinforced then the act is repeated.

Food selfie maybe a good idea but the propagation of many image of foods creates unhealthy compulsion of foods that may lead to obesity.

So next time, before you post your mouth-watering menu of the day, although it might make your food tastier but you are gaining weight unconsciously.